The Animal’s Sexuality

flamingos sexuality

The Animal’s Sexuality

Flamingos Sexuality is defined by sexual behavior that involves an intense sexual desire between a man and a female. According to the Journal of Sexual Medicine, in comparison to other birds, a flamingo has highly developed reproductive organs that make it one of the most well endowed animals in the animal kingdom. The female’s vulva is the most sensitive part of her body and it is highly sensitive to stimulation. Sexual lust sometimes develops in animals that are in heat. However, sexual behavior between a flamingo and a human is considered to be unusual since flamingos do not mate for life like other birds do.

Sexual behavior of a flamingo can best be described as highly adventurous especially when it comes to sex. Like most animals, a male flamingo will try to establish a position to have sex with the female which could mean sprinting for about a mile or more just to reach her. It takes a lot of courage on the part of the male to do this.

Female flamingos are known to be aggressive towards their partners especially when they want to mate. It takes a lot of courage on the part of the male to confront his partner since he is afraid of being rejected or hurt. It is common to see a male flamingos sexuality fully developed when the female is already laying eggs. In this condition, the male will try to maximize the sexual contact and to please his partner as much as possible.

Although flamingos are considered to be sexually dull creatures, they are actually highly adventurous and sensual. They can be seen to engage in sexual behaviors such as leaping and dancing in order to bring sexual arousal. They also enjoy playing with the feathers of other birds which can sometimes result to injury or death of the playing bird. Sometimes, flamingos prefer to sleep after having sex and sometimes they like to dive underwater to enjoy swimming.

With their curious nature, flamingos are capable of finding ways of satisfying their sexual desires. They like to bathe in melted ice of ponds where they can get cozy with each other and watch their partner to become satisfied. In the wild, a number of flamingos are said to engage in sexual relations with frogs. They use their tongue to explore and bite frogs which results to enamel on the frogs’ body.

Overall, flamingos sexuality has something to do with the way they express love and emotions towards their mates. Both male and female flamingos display different sexual behaviors during courtship and when they are already involved in marriage. However, there is no guarantee that these sexual behaviors have any relation to the reproductive abilities of the animal. It is believed that the specific purpose of the sexual behaviors of the animal is just meant to enhance their survival.