The Best Flamingo Merch For YouTubers

Pink plastic flamingos aren’t just for front lawns anymore. They’ve become the design element of the moment, turning up on everything from the runways of Milan to the wardrobes of Gigi Hadid. And, of course, on all the merch for your favorite YouTubers.

The merch for YouTuber AlbertsStuff, also known as Flamingo (@AlbertsStuff) is a great way to show your love and support for the channel. But sometimes it can be hard to find the perfect item that accurately represents your passion for his videos. So, we’ve put together this list of the best merch for Flamingo fans.

1. The official flamingo

For those who aren’t aware, the flamingo is actually an indigenous bird of Florida. Its pink pigment comes from its number one food source, shrimp. And they only stand on one leg because it’s more comfortable for them that way.

2. The flamingo of the week

In the spring of 2015, Marc Jacobs had a flamingo-themed collection featuring embroidered birds on bomber jackets and dresses. This prompted fashionistas to flock to the flamingo, which then found itself on the wardrobes of celebs and the merch racks of Nordstrom, Target, IKEA, Crate & Barrel, and Britain’s John Lewis department store. Google search interest for the word ‘flamingo’ hit an all-time high in May of this year.

3. The merch for the vlogger who’s always up for a prank

YouTuber AlbertsStuff (aka Flamingo or mrflimflam) is well-known for his gaming and reaction videos. He is an active member of the Roblox community and has a lot of inside jokes about the game that make his videos fun to watch. He even has a character called ‘Flim Flam’ that appears in many of his videos.

4. The merch that helps people in need

In the wake of Hurricane Ian, Clearwater, Florida-based Sunshine State Goods & Apparel came up with a line of shirts featuring the phrase “Sunshine State Stronger.” All proceeds from the tees went to the American Red Cross for hurricane relief. The company even had a special online ordering period so that shoppers could help in the aftermath of the storm. In the end, a total of $1,500 was raised in just a few days from people buying the shirt. And the company says that they will continue to produce more shirts like these in order to support those affected by the hurricane. You can check out their merchandise here. The shirts are still available as of this writing. But they won’t be around forever! So, if you want to grab your own, you better act fast.